Luxe comes to Mayhem

Boy have we got a treat for you not only a limited editin gun but a Zombie contract killer Luxe, "the Luxe is the best gun i have ever shot" Danny Williams ex pro player and legend in English paintball.  "Amazing no kick so blooody accuate people just die at my hands" Paul Cain London Tigers and paintballing globel trotting god!  Ross Tesrain form "Mayhem Loved it best gun i have ever played with".  


This really is a beautiful gun at £1250 its not for the faint hearted but if you play regually and love paintball it is great vaule for money its has to be the first time i have seen a group or old pro paintball players actaully fall in love with a paintablling gun.  I hope to field test it myself soon if smart parts will loan me one as i loved my 2003 shocker which the luxe was born from and is a super charged version.  I sit here now looking at the Luxe on our wall and think i really want to play paintball right now if only the wife was feeling generous i could be the proud owner. 


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